Sunday, August 10, 2014

Cathy Freeman NPG Photo

Cathy Freeman 

Photograph created by Montalbetti+Campbell in 1995

when we where asked to choose a photo and think of 4 words that described it, those 4 words where.
and I can’t remember the other one.
The photographer has used a series of techniques to make this image so strong.
View point-
normally when you are looking down onto a subject it can convey a lack in power and strength. But this photo is the opposite.
It doesn’t look like there has been any artificial lighting used, it looks like natural lighting as if she is outside as the lighting is stronger on the right side of her face.  
very tight cropping so you are straightaway draw into Cathy’s eyes.
The subject-  we all know Cathy and straight away I think of her in her running suit which she wore in the 2000 Sydney Olympics. But this photo was before she really became famous; the sweat running down her face shows her determination and her hard work. Also the posing is very natural and candid which represents her personality. (: 

I think the purpose of this photo was to show Cathy in a every day context. I think that the creators have achieved this through different perspective. 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Analysis of Location Folio

‘Secret Garden’ 

My series “Secret Garden” is a combination of four separate shoots, all taken in the late afternoon. My natural light portraits use backlighting and fill lighting to create a cohesive series of photos that are based around the theme of ‘A Secret Garden’ .I wanted a very natural feel for all the photos and I think that I achieved that through, lighting, location & clothing. Overall I am happy with the photos, originally I was only going to do 2 photo shoots and the other 2 shoots that I did where practice shoots to pick times for lighting, but I really liked those photos so I decided to add them as well.
To improve the photos I need to control my lighting more. This is somewhat difficult because I use natural light with a reflector but in some photos there is too many sun flares, I wanted a very natural feel but sometimes it is to overpowering. Also I need to work on posing models, it is an experience working with different people & I feel that with practice I am getting better.             
The first 3 slide and slide 6&7 where taken just before sunset and I really liked this lighting, it has a very crisp feel compared to the softer feel of the other photos. I think the two main styles of lighting work well together and complement each other. I also framed the photos in a variety of ways, a mix of head shots & long body shots. I also used a wider aperture to blur out some of the background, but the viewer is still aware of the surroundings.  
Overall I'm happy with the photos and think that they work well together as a series. 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Speed Light Task

So it wasn't really a sunny day, but it had to be done! So this is the best that could be done (:

I did two photos, one with a 1:3 ratio and the other with a 1:5 ratio.
With the flash on higher power it fills the shadows better and brightens the face and overall makes a better photo.


Monday, June 9, 2014

Natural Light Portfolio Task

Practice Portfolio Photos 

 Natural light photos with reflector. 
When I went home a few weekends ago I did some practice photos with my friends, I used natural light around sunset time and a gold colour reflector. 

Chiaroscuro lighting

For this image I was going for the Film Noir effect. I used a door way and a flash light illuminating and creating a silhouette of the man in the door way. For the lighting on Jasmine I used a soft box on low power behind her and another snooted strobe in front of Jasmine lighting her face.     

Monday, May 26, 2014

Chiaroscuro Lighting

Film Noir Lighting Effect-

For this photo I used a background lighting coming from the left of Jasmine and a soft box on Jas and a smaller light on the bottle. 

For this effect I didn't use a backlighting, I just used a soft box lighting Jasmine and a smaller light lighting the bottles.  

For this last photo the set up is the same as the first photo but I moved the background light to the other side. I like this photo the most (: 

Night Shoot

Task One- 
Using a building that is lit by artificial light, take an image between
sunset and last light.

Task Two- 
Take a shot with an exposure over 10 seconds long and show
some movement in the image. I am not happy with this image, but you can see the movement of the cars driving just below the building.