Monday, April 21, 2014

Natural Light Portfolio Task

I have been doing some research for my Natural Light portfolio task and I have created a Pinterest Board full of inspiration. Below I have posted some photos that I really like, from photographers such as Emily Soto, Lara Jade and Julia Trotti. 
Also the photos that I did for my last blog post, where kind of a test shoot to get an idea of what I can achieve.  

I would like to do two main shoot, and have them similar but contrast against each other.
I will achieve this by doing one shoot where the model has lighter coloured features and use natural light colours for clothing and accessories and then contrast this in the 2nd shoot by using a model with darker features and darker clothing. 
Below I have examples of both. 

Lighter Photos

Darker Photos

Monday, April 7, 2014

Natural Light Portraits

Window Light Portrait 

Backlit Portrait With No Reflector 

Because there is no reflector used in this photo there isn't much light on the models face. 

Portrait In full Sun with Reflector 

I used a reflector to soften the light in this photo, the afternoon light gives the hair a nice golden glow. I took a photo of this without the reflector and there isn't enough light on the face.  

Extra Photos 

 Reflector used. 

Reflector not used
This is because they have been taken in shadows, rather then full sunlight like the other photos. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Lighting Revision

Studio Lighting 

Last week we got given 3 tasks to complete.
Task One- Use hollywood lighting, with a hair light in the background as separation lighting.
For this we had to move the backdrop back a bit, other wise the hair light would have been to close to the subject and the light would have been to harsh. 

Task Two- Rembrandt Lighting, with a coloured filter to light up the background.
This was the first time that I had used the coloured filters, we had to turn the model light off otherwise it would burn the plastic. We had to place the light quite close to the backdrop and it took a few test shots to get it right but once we did it looked great.  

Task Three-Part One- Loop lighting with 2:1 ratio 
Part Two- Loop lighting with a 8:1 ratio 
We used the light meter to work out the ratios and we had to use a reflector on the other side of the model to achieve the lighting effect. The closer we moved the reflector the lower the ratio got because it was filling the shadows more and reversed when we moved it away.     

Task One

Task Two

 Task Three, part one

Task Three, part two