Sunday, March 23, 2014

Lens Focal Length

Task One

Because this photo was taken from a lower angle and a zoom lens it makes both the objects significant. I also used a wider aperture to make sure that the War Memorial was in focus, but I still wanted the sitter to be the main focus.  

Task Two

I assumed that the sitter would be younger and decided to sit them on the ground which shows how big the sculpture is, but it is also flattering for the sitter.  

Other photo to promote race.

I like this photo and think that it would be great to help promote the race. 

Great Distance

This was taken on a wide angle lens and shows how far away they are.  

Closer Together

  This was taken using a zoom lens and also the angle makes the two building look closer together.   

Photo for Dave

I like this photo because it has a good contrast between the light and the shadows. Also the bridge leads the viewer into the building and the clouds in the background have great highlights. 

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